A study of the symbiotic relationship between
humans and the gardens they tend to.
At OR.CA, our work begins by understanding that it doesn’t end — a landscape is an ongoing dialogue, shaped by seasons and in response to our environments. Plants + People is an ongoing exploration of what it looks like to plant roots, to honor cycles, to inhabit space, and to accept impermanence through the perspectives of individuals we admire.
To end our inaugural year of the Plants + People series, we’re sharing a story straight from the heart — a conversation with Molly’s mom Lisa Sedlacek, and a trip to visit her lush home garden in Coastal Oregon. A lifelong lover of plants and the outdoors, Lisa is the founder of Laurel Bay Gardens in Coastal Oregon, a full-service nursery and landscape design business that has been in operation for over two decades (clearly the apple falls not far from the tree, so to speak…)
Join us for a trip home for a conversation on the nuanced language of plants, abandoning perfection, and finding beauty in all of nature’s cycles.
“My garden reminds me to slow down and look at things, and realize that nature happens every year, regardless of human strife and worry.”
Lisa Walter-Sedlacek