The Process of Making ORCA Clay Pavers
ORCA Clay Pavers are a sustainable alternative to poured concrete. Our pavers are adaptable and flexible: when repairs or changes in the garden occur, pavers can be lifted out and re-laid. When sand set, they reduce water runoff by allowing water to permeate through joints. This allows water and oxygen to reach roots, supports trees and plantlife, and reduces heat island effect.
Benefits of California clay:
- Common and naturally abundant material from earth, clay pavers are one of oldest and simplest building materials known to man
- Range of beautiful naturally-occurring earth tones
- Very durable once fired (suitable for driveways and low vehicular traffic).
- Through-body color weathers gracefully over time (long term value)

How Clay Pavers are manufactured:
- Clay Extraction: The process starts with mining natural clay, which is the primary raw material.
- Clay Processing: The raw clay is crushed and ground to a fine consistency to remove impurities. It is then mixed with water to achieve a moldable texture.
- Shaping: The clay mixture is shaped into paver blocks. This is done by extrusion where the clay is forced through a die to form a long strip, which is then cut into individual pavers.
- Drying: The shaped clay pavers are left to dry naturally to remove excess moisture.
- Firing: The dried pavers are fired in kilns at high temperatures, usually between 1,000°C to 1,200°C (1,832°F to 2,192°F). This process vitrifies the clay, making it hard, durable, and resistant to water absorption.
- Finishing: Once cooled, the pavers may undergo additional finishing steps, such as tumbling to create a worn aged effect and cutting to reveal the terrazzo effect of aggregates within.
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